12th December 2021

Mandatory Vaccines

Our Statement of Faith regarding The Mandatory Administration of COVID-19 Vaccines


Malakh comprises of a group of people who believe that God (YHVH) is Sovereign in our world, and that He sent His Son (Yeshua) to be our Saviour and Redeemer. Like many others, we have deep concerns about the direction in which things are heading regarding COVID-19, and because our aim is to live a lifestyle pleasing to the Father and reflecting the truth of the Scriptures, we are presenting this document in the hope that it might enable other Bible believers to make an informed choice on the use of the current COVID-19 treatments which are administered via injection.

Whereas we acknowledge each individual’s autonomy, and right to decide what choices to make concerning their bodies, this is our position, bearing in mind the fundamental scriptural principles upon which our faith rests. To disregard or act in defiance of these foundational principles would erode the very fibre of our faith; and to be forced to comply with rules which result in the above, for us, constitutes a significant breach of our human rights, and a serious threat to our freedom of choice.

After months of extensive research, discussion and prayer, we have come to the following conclusions as it relates to the subject at hand:

The Nature of the ‘Vaccines’

Most Bible believers are not anti-vaccinations – generally speaking. The majority have complied over the years with the vaccination of our children in the traditional methods where the vaccines were created from de-commissioned viruses and provided immunity as our bodies identified the foreign matters and created antibodies for future threats. As at September 4, 2021, the Oxford Dictionary of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology offers the following definition for “Vaccine”: Any preparation of immunogenic material suitable for the stimulation of active immunity in animals without inducing disease. Vaccines may be based on dead or attenuated microorganisms; altered toxins (toxoids); or viruses.

From our studies, we have concluded that the substances currently being pushed, unlike traditional vaccines, do not provide immunity to the original Covid-19 disease, and the findings are even worse for the subsequent variants, some of which are totally vaccine-resistant. We therefore question these substances being considered true vaccines. Nonetheless, for the purpose of this document we will at times use the term.

Free Moral Agency

The Bible indicates in no uncertain terms that our Creator has made us free moral agents, with the power of choice – though encouraging us to make right choices. It is our belief that the State should not have greater power than the individual in determining what substances should be taken into their bodies. Any ensuing medical complication, health issues, physical, mental, psychological or financial repercussions will not and/or cannot be absorbed by the State, and as such, we should be allowed the freedom to decide whether or not we wish to take any substance into our bodies.

Our Position on the Sanctity of Life

It is our sincere religious conviction that human life ibegins at conception, that the sanctity of life is precious to YHVH, and that it is morally wrong to willfully destroy innocent human life. See for example the following Scripture references:

Psalm 139:13-16:

For you formed my inward parts; you knitted me together in my mother’s womb. I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made.
Wonderful are your works; my soul knows it very well.
My frame was not hidden from you, when I was being made in secret, intricately woven in the depths of the earth.
Your eyes saw my unformed substance; in your book were written, every one of them, the days that were formed for me, when as yet there was none of them.

Jeremiah 1:5:

Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, and before you were born I consecrated you..

Psalm 127:3:

Behold, children are a heritage from the LORD, the fruit of the womb a reward.

Exodus 20:13:

You shall not murder

The experimental COVID-19 injections manufactured by Moderna and Pfizer both used aborted foetal tissue in the testing process, and those manufactured by AstraZeneca and Johnson & Johnson used aborted foetal tissue in every step of the process – development, production and lab testing. Having come to understand the nature, composition, and manufacturing process of these current Covid19 vaccines, we seriously object to the use of these products.

Our position is based primarily on the long-standing teachings of the Scriptures and the Judea- Christian faith on the sanctity of life, and considering that the vaccines have been cultured with the aid of cell lines originating from aborted foetuses, as stated above, we currently have a strong objection to the manufactured products being injected into our bodies. Due to the Scriptural mandate for each of us to guard and protect our body which is the temple of God, (see 1 Corinthians 6:19-20 and Romans 12:1 below), we cannot be associated with using for health benefit, a substance that has been generated from the death of another human being, albeit, one(s) so young.

I Corinthians 6:19-20:

Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit within you, whom you have from God? You are not your own, for you were bought with a price. So glorify God in your body.

Romans 12:1:

I appeal to you therefore, brothers, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God, which is your spiritual worship.

The Command to Avoid Anything Unclean

We have long held a tradition of not consuming or ingesting anything considered unclean according to the scriptures. This includes topical use as well as injections. This is a fundamental principle of our faith. In light of the fact that at least one vaccine has been created/cultured with the aid of an Adeno virus extracted from chimpanzees; and all being manufactured as stated previously, we find the injecting of these tainted substances into our bodies morally unjust, sacrilegious and unclean.

The Use of mRNA Technology

At least two of the substances being promoted as vaccines have been developed with the use of mRNA technology where the artificially-generated synthetic proteins could potentially have a DNA-altering effect on the recipients. This presents a serious challenge to our faith as the Scriptures command us not to do any act which will deliberately alter the genetic make-up of naturally occurring animals and plants – let alone mankind:

Leviticus 19:19:

You shall keep my statutes. You shall not let your cattle breed with a different kind. You shall not sow your field with two kinds of seed, nor shall you wear a garment of cloth made of two kinds of material.

Unanswered Questions

The chemical components of the vaccine are not fully known to us, but from our research on what has been disclosed to the public, there are too many unanswered questions as it relates to the current and future effects in the areas of fertility, cancer, multiple organ damage, pathogenic priming, and other phenomena currently under study. We posit that in addition to the known health risks, there are many unknown risks due to the lack of standard testing and long-term study of these substances. Two of the present ‘vaccines’ include synthetic mRNA and lipid nanoparticles. Very little is scientifically known about the effects of these substances in humans including their short term or long-term effects on the body. We note also, that the trial period of the “vaccines” is still underway, hence, the current recipients are only subjects of a scientific trial. We do not wish to be forced into becoming subjects of a scientific or clinical trial.

The Nature of our Immune System

We believe that our Creator has made us in such a remarkable way, as to provide for natural immunity which is developed after we have been exposed to any viral infection that has not overwhelmed our systems. We can live a lifestyle which encourages having a robust immune system capable of preventing severe disease, and expect that if we become exposed to viruses and other pathogens, our bodies will create natural immunity after exposure. Recent studies in Israel, which has achieved a vaccine rate of over 85%, and is currently experiencing a serious wave of new cases, have shown that persons who develop natural immunity have a significantly stronger immune response against the virus as well as its many variants. We therefore encourage

people to engage in a number of natural immune-boosting lifestyle practices, as well as a number of prevention measures, and early-onset home-based treatment to guard ourselves from serious disease or from becoming a burden to the state.

Alternate Treatments

Additionally, our research has proven that there are other known, safe, and effective alternatives both to treat and prevent COVID-19 disease, including well-known natural substances and holistic methods to eradicate the virus and to nurture and boost our natural immune systems.

Implications for not Taking Vaccines

There has been talk of unvaccinated persons being threats to the vaccinated. It is our belief that, as the ‘vaccines’ do not truly provide immunity, we offer no greater threat to the ‘vaccinated’ than they offer to us, and as such, denounce any act which tries to alienate unvaccinated people from schools, workplaces, social gatherings or any other place involving human interaction solely on the basis of their Covid19 vaccine status.


As Bible believers with a foundational faith in the truth of the Scriptures, we remain open to new knowledge as it relates to the treatment therapies being offered to the public for the current and future health crises. We are open to considering medical interventions that do not stand in direct contravention to long held, biblically-based religious traditions and beliefs. As it relates to the current Covid-19 treatments administered via injection, we categorically cannot participate in these measures without breaching the fundamental principles of our faith, and violating our conscience. We therefore ask that we be exempted from forced or mandatory compliance.

This document was adopted and agreed upon by representatives of several Bible believing communities both in the UK and overseas on September 5th, 2021 and may be used to share our official position with any group or organisation requiring this.

3rd February 2021

Elijah, alone and stressed

‘Do you not know what the Scripture says of Elijah, how he appeals to God against Israel? “Lord, they have killed your prophets, they have demolished your altars, and I alone am left, and they seek my life.” But what is God’s reply to him? “I have kept for myself seven thousand men who have not bowed the knee to Baal.”’ Romans 11:2-4

When we find ourselves isolated either through personal choice or through the current covid restrictions, we can feel discontent, unease and even depression with our situation. Our faith can be built on an expectation that unless we are in fellowship with other believers, we are not in the place we should be. Many of us have been part of some kind of church fellowship in the past, and are therefore familiar with regular meeting structures, ministry and teaching. This has established expectations in our minds that this is the ‘norm’.

It is important that as believers we should always be ‘in the right place, at the right time’, and it is a good practise to pray for this on a regular basis. When we find ourselves separate from larger fellowship groups, perhaps meeting together in small group situations, or sometimes with just one or two others, it is not something to feel uncomfortable about. 

Elijah experienced the same isolation in his complaint to YHVH in 1 Kings 19: 9-18, cited in Romans above. As far as he knew he was totally alone in Israel, standing against the spirit of Ahab and Jezebel, doing his best to be obedient to the Almighty yet not receiving any encouragement from human companionship or support. 

The wonderful thing about this story is that Elijah was in the right place at the right time. He was obedient to YHVH’s instructions and defeated and exposed 450 prophets of Baal and 400 of Jezebel’s own prophets of the groves on Mount Carmel. Yet a short while later he became insecure and found himself running for his life in fear and depression. 

When Elijah arrived at Horeb, YHVH said to him ‘What are you doing here Elijah?’ Clearly he was now in the wrong place. Not even Elijah got it right all the time. Yet the Almighty Himself brought Elijah comfort and support by revealing Himself in a far more intimate way, through a ‘still, small voice’ that Elijah recognised immediately, bringing great words of encouragement: “I have kept for myself seven thousand men who have not bowed the knee to Baal”.

In a country as small as Israel it would have been so simple for the Father to cause His faithful followers to know each other. Trade routes and travel were common lifestyle practises and we know from Elijah’s own life that he travelled great distances on foot, yet the Father chose not to surround him with support and encouragement in the form of others who were taking their stand against idolatry.

The Bible says that there were 7000 faithful non-conformist individuals in other locations in that small country, who were similarly practising obedience to YHVH, fulfilling their commission, standing against the spirit of Ahab and Jezebel. They had not ‘bowed their knee to Baal,’  yet we hear nothing of their strength of character and determination to take their stand for what they believed. We don’t even know if they knew of each other’s existence. 

It is encouraging to realise that they didn’t need to know each other. They were all in the right place at the right time, and the Almighty knew every individual. 

The next time you feel isolated and discouraged, concluding that there is something wrong, remember Elijah, but also remember the other 7000 faithful people in his day who were making a stand against idolatry, paganism and governmental control in the form of a tyrannical king Ahab with his queen Jezebel. Thank the Father for the privilege of the relationship you share with the King of Kings and Lord of Lords, knowing that He is watching out for you and that all is well.

9th January 2021

Quiz Time!

This is a challenge! Please read the following Scripture through carefully and then rate yourself honestly on the scale of one to ten against the Biblical standard of the Fruit of the Spirit. Then make time to listen to one of the most challenging, heart-felt and inspiring messages I have ever heard, which follows the quiz.

Then please repeat the quiz again. We did it, and find ourselves with a LONG way to go. May YHVH have mercy on us! We pray that as members of the Body of Messiah, and partakers of the Covenants of Promise, we will all take up the challenge to change, and to truly love one another! Shalom.

Galatians 5:22-23: But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, meekness, self-control; against such there is no law.

Love __ out of ten

Joy __ out of ten

Peace __out of ten

Long-suffering __ out of ten

Self Control __ out of ten

Kindness __ out of ten

Goodness __ out of ten

Faithfulness __ out of ten

Meekness __ out of ten


30th November 2020

There’s a buzz going round as people are becoming aware of the existence of biblical books previously thought to be non-canonical (in other words they don’t belong in the bible). People are quoting Revelation 22:18-19 to say that to read amazing books like the book of Jubilees and Enoch means that we are adding to the Scriptures:

“For I testify unto every man that heareth the words of the prophecy of this book, If any man shall add unto these things, God shall add unto him the plagues that are written in this book: And if any man shall take away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God shall take away his part out of the book of life, and out of the holy city, and from the things which are written in this book”

What these people don’t realise is that these books were originally part of the canon. History tells us clearly the names and motives of the ones who took authority upon themselves to decide which books should be removed. They are the culprits who, over different periods of history, removed priceless information from our bibles, and ‘took away’ parts of the book of life. Just a small amount of research quickly uncovers this as documented fact.

The fact is that different eastern countries have different books that they consider canon, which are included in their bibles. Even the British Pilgrim Fathers that sailed to America had more books in their bibles than we have!

Thank YHWH that in our day He is restoring ‘the Ancient Paths’ and putting into place more Biblical understanding. We thank Him for the discovery of the Dead Sea Scrolls. We thank Him that the writings of the Scrolls are easily accessible and we have the privilege of being able to read and enjoy them. We also thank Him that their teaching fills in so many interesting and important facts that are missing from the standard biblical text.

We are certainly privileged to be living in such days. We need to take advantage of the resources He has made available to us. We have no excuse.